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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Detection of complex objects by radar systems with full polarization sensing of space and inverse synthesis of the antenna aperture
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604128-202006-06
UDC: 519.876, 621.396

Alexandr V. Timoshenko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor
Sergey V. Yakubovskiy – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor
Nikolay A. Khodataev – Deputy General Designer
Alexey V. Alferyev – Post-graduate Student


Ensuring the required quality of detecting radar objects in conditions of low differences in Doppler frequency shifts of signals reflected from objects of location and sources of passive interference is possible on the basis of multidimensional polarization analysis with full polarization sensing of space. When implementing this approach, the problem of reducing the signal / passive interference ratio at ranges of more than 500 km arises, due to an increase in the geometric dimensions of the space volumes allowed by the radar and leading to a decrease in the probability of correct detection of the target object. In the interests of ensuring the required quality of detection of elements of complex radar objects, a method has been proposed that makes it possible to increase the spatial selectivity of radar systems with full polarization sensing of space and multidimensional polarization analysis at ranges of more than 500 km. The need for a complex combination of methods for full polarization sensing of space and inverse synthesis of the antenna aperture in the implementation of multidimensional polarization analysis to improve the quality of detection is determined.

The use of interchannel coherent focusing of vector signals and taking into account the distribution patterns of the instantaneous values of the polarization scattering vectors onto the reference localization region makes it possible to implement multidimensional polarization analysis of the characteristics of elements of complex radar objects in radar systems with inverse synthesis of the antenna aperture. Taking into account the peculiarities of relative motion, trajectory and multidimensional polarization characteristics of objects of location and sources of passive interference in the developed detection method allows increasing the probability of correct detection at ranges of more than 500 km. A block diagram of the method is proposed, which makes it possible to implement multidimensional polarization analysis in radar systems with inverse synthesis of the antenna aperture.

The proposed method makes it possible to increase the probability of correct detection of a location object against the background of passive interference sources by radar systems with full polarization sensing of space and multivariate polarization analysis from 0.6 to 0.86 with a signal / passive interference ratio of 0 dB, which corresponds to an energy gain of 5 dB.

Pages: 45-56
For citation

Timoshenko A.V., Yakubovskiy S.V., Khodataev N.A., Alferyev A.V. Detection of complex objects by radar systems with full polarization sensing of space and inverse synthesis of the antenna aperture. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2020. V. 25. № 6. P. 45−56. DOI: 10.18127/j15604128-202006-06. (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 22.09.2020 г.