Articles by keyword фазоманипулированные сигналы
The Correlator of the Phase-Shift Keyed Signals with Use of Wavelet-Packet Decomposition
E.M. Lobov, T.K. Boletskaya
Working Оut оf Parametrical Zone Way оf Highly Effective Modulation оf Signals for Communication Systems
L.V. Cherkesova
Investigation of the direction-finder operating in dynamic conditions when receiving phase-shift keying signals having no a priori information about code sequence
I.D. Zolotarev, V.A. Berezovskiy, D.D. Privalov, S.N. Smalev
Noise immunity and interference security of control radio links operating with phase-shift keyed broadband signals

N.M. Ashimov¹, A.S. Vasin², A.N. Birukov³, P.G. Kuzmishchev4

1,3 Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Russian Ground Forces «CAA AF RF» (Moscow, Russia)

2  Tyumen high military-engineering college (Tyumen, Russia),

4  Сentral research and proving establishment of Engeneer Troops (Nakhabino, Russia)

Signal classification algorithm with detection at two intermediate frequencies for RF spectrum monitoring means

Tran Huu Nghi1, A.S. Podstrigaev2, Nguyen Trong Nhan3

1-3 Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» (Saint Petersburg, Russia)