Tran Huu Nghi1, A.S. Podstrigaev2, Nguyen Trong Nhan3
1-3 Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Simple pulse signals, up-chirp signals, down-chirp signals, phase-manipulated signals with binary and quadrature laws of phase sequence are widely used in radio information transmission systems, radiolocation and radio navigation. With the increasing need to transmit increasing amounts of information, interest in such signals has increased significantly, and the problem of creating an algorithm capable of detecting and classifying these signals is becoming increasingly urgent. Therefore, the study aims to justify and study the classification algorithm simple pulse signals, up-chirp signals, down-chirp signals, phase shifted signals with binary and quadrature laws of phase sequence with reduced signal to noise ratio. Dependences of probability of correct classification of enumerated signals in the background of white Gaussian noise on a signal-to-noise ratio by imitational modeling method for developed algorithm are obtained. Conclusions about the value of input signal-to-noise ratio that is necessary for correct classification of signals of different types are made. It is shown that the suggested algorithm permits the input signal-to-noise ratio to be smaller by up to 5…9 dB in comparison with the known algorithms for the classification of the above signals. In addition, the proposed algorithm provides high efficiency at signal-to-noise ratio more than –1 dB. The results obtained one can use to assess the sensitivity of the receiving equipment for RF spectrum monitoring.
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