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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of the direction-finder operating in dynamic conditions when receiving phase-shift keying signals having no a priori information about code sequence
I.D. Zolotarev, V.A. Berezovskiy, D.D. Privalov, S.N. Smalev
The article deals with research of the transients arising at direction finding of phase-shift keying signals using an original scheme of a phase direction finder, which provides substitution of the received signals at the heterodyne frequency. Total absence of a priori information about the code of the pseudorandom sequence used in processed PSK signals is supposed. However, as shown in the paper, the proposed scheme of the phase direction finder allows to determine the angle coordinates of such signals radiation sources. Additionally the time delay between signals received at spaced apart antenna of direction finder is considered, which also affects on the accuracy of the angular coordinates estimation. In this paper, for investigation of the transients fast inverse Laplace transform method is used, which along with the solution of the most important problem in radioelectronics - Amplitude, Phase, Frequency - provides finding of solution on the output of oscillating system to a signal phase. This allows to define precisely the dynamic error of radiosignals phase difference measurement at the output of phase channels for different durations of the pseudorandom sequence elements and arrival angles of an electromagnetic wave relative to the direction finder antenna base.
Pages: 50-57
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