Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №2 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Noise immunity and interference security of control radio links operating with phase-shift keyed broadband signals
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 621.396

N.M. Ashimov¹, A.S. Vasin², A.N. Birukov³, P.G. Kuzmishchev4

1,3 Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Russian Ground Forces «CAA AF RF» (Moscow, Russia)

2  Tyumen high military-engineering college (Tyumen, Russia),

4  Сentral research and proving establishment of Engeneer Troops (Nakhabino, Russia)


This article observes an information concerning phase-keyed binary signals, the wideband of which is achieved with simply increasing the bit size of the code, as well as wideband composite phase-keyed signals, when each symbol is represented with a multi-bit binary forward or inverse sequence.

The purpose of the article is to present criteria and methods for evaluating interference immunity and interference immunity of control radio links which forms a special class of radio technical systems (RTS) and which require a different methodology of analysis of these issues than is accepted in radio.

Using the normal approach method, the interference immunity and interference immunity of control radio links operating with narrowband and wideband signals are compared. It is shown that with increasing code bit size which is accompanied by signal spectrum expansion, RLS noise immunity coefficient increases, asymptotically approaching its maximum possible value.

Transition from narrow-band the phase-manipulated signals to wideband composite signals is accompanied by decreasing of coefficient of noise stability by / 2 times.

The article deals with mainly theoretical issues. The practical significance of the article is bringing real indicators of noise immunity as close as possible to the maximum possible.

Pages: 36-43
For citation

Ashimov N.M., Vasin A.S., Birukov A.N., Kuzmishchev P.G. Noise immunity and interference security of control radio links operating with phaseshift keyed broadband signals. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2021. V. 26.№ 2. P. 36−43. DOI: (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 18.01.2021 г.
Approved after review: 15.02.2021 г.
Accepted for publication: 23.03.2021 г.