Articles by keyword сбора
Data Collection Distributed System Based on the Radio Frequency Identification Technology
V.Е. Sautkin
Formalization multidimensional semistructured data and indicators based on the diluted hypercube
S.I. Sheldeshov, A.S. Sizov
Modern system of gathering information and data handling for providing security object
S. S. Zwierzynski - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor
V. V. Ivanov
I. V. Parfentsev
Method of justification of organizational technical requirements to the complex of technical means of information support of organizational and technical systems
V.A. Pavlov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Military Educational and Scientific Center «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail:
Way of increase of parameters estimation accuracy on the basis of processing of eigen structures of the covariance matrix of signals
L.E. Mistrov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Air-force Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Voronezh). E-mail: V.A. Pavlov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Air-force Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Voronezh). E-mail:
Estimation of parameters of information streams by method of imitation of entrance influences
L.E. Mistrov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Military Educational and Scientific Center «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail: V.A. Pavlov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Military Educational and Scientific Center «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail:
Justification of ways of planning and management of application of the complex of technical means for ensuring steady functioning of information systems
V.A. Pavlov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail:
Specialized automated software-hardware complex for objective analysis of realization goal-directed behavior in rats
E.Ph. Pevtsov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Technological University E-mail: P.A. Gorbokonenko - Engineer, Moscow Technological University E-mail: S.M. Tolpygo - Ph.D. (Med.), Leading Research, Scientist, P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology, Moscow E-mail:
The algorithm for targeting calculation

S.V. Spitsyn – Engineer of the 1st category, 

OKB «Spektr» (Ryazan, branch of JSC «SRC «Progress»);

Post-graduate Student,

Department «CAD systems of Computing Facilities»,

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin


A.V. Tovpeko – Main Designer,

OKB «Spektr» (Ryazan, branch of JSC «SRC «Progress») Е-mail:

Digital biometric complex estimation assessment of the pilot functional state aircraft

D.S. Koptev – Post-graduate Student, Teacher, Department of Space Instrumentation and Communication  Systems, South-West State University (Kursk) 


I.E. Mukhin – Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Space Instrumentation and Communication Systems, South-West State University (Kursk)


I.G. Babanin – Senior Lecturer, Department of Space Instrumentation and Communication Systems,  South-West State University (Kursk) 


Collection and processing of information during monitoring of radio emissions in terms of the theory of random processes

A.A. Kostin, V.A. Kostin, M.L. Gubenko, A.A. Osadchik, V.L. Nesteruk

Increase of partial fraction of data collection time during panoramic radio monitoring

A.G. Studenikin1, A.B. Tokarev2

1,2 FSBEI of HE “Voronezh State Technical University” (Voronezh, Russia)

1,2 JSC “IRCOS” (Moscow, Russia)