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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Specialized automated software-hardware complex for objective analysis of realization goal-directed behavior in rats
E.Ph. Pevtsov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Technological University E-mail: pevtsov@mirea.ru P.A. Gorbokonenko - Engineer, Moscow Technological University E-mail: gorbokonenko@mirea.ru S.M. Tolpygo - Ph.D. (Med.), Leading Research, Scientist, P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology, Moscow E-mail: stolpygo@mail.ru
In article were stated principles of work of the automated complex developed in P.K.Anokhin research institute of normal physiology together with scientific and educational center Moscow technological university on the basis of methodology of system approach are. Use of this automated complex allows estimate objectively realization of consistently carried out stages of drinking goal-directed behavior during achievement by animal of the end result. Are described features of hardware-software implementation, the software for control of this device and the analysis of obtained data. The main aspects of use of the automated complex in experiment are also considered. With the use of automated complex worked out of new approaches to assessment of individual characteristics goal-directed behavior in animals. Were obtained priority data about of modification physiological action behaviorally active bioregulators (angiotensin-II and β-endorphin), which are involved in motivational and reinforcement processes that allowed us to formulate ideas about differential involvement of angiotensin-II and β-endorphin in neurochemical mechanisms at various stages of carrying out integral behavioral acts. This research also provides new behavioral criteria for identification and diagnosis of comparative effects of morphine, cocaine and alcohol in rats, which undoubtedly represents a theoretical and practical interest for study of mechanisms of various dependencies and of their correction methods. Designed automated complex has a great scientific and technical potential for applications in medicine and biology, especially for directional impact screening psychotropic drugs and study of neurochemical mechanisms of systemic organization goal-directed behavior. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science (state task number 2014/112, the project code 35).
Pages: 35-43


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