Articles by keyword регрессионная модель
The Modeling of Risk of the Cardiovascular Diseases on Basis of Complex Analysis of Pulse-Wave Signal
A.A. Kuzmin, Abdalla Babiker Dafalla, V.M. Brodsky
Statistical and neural network methods of electoral behavior forecasting: presidential elections in France, 2007
Yu. Yu. Petrunin, Yu.A. Zernova
The modeling power of educational institutions
E. N. Sosnina, A. V. Shalukho
Mathematical approaches to the development of an integral indicator of the degree of cognitive decline

V.N. Gridin1, N.N. Koberskaya2, B.R. Salem3, D.S. Smirnov4, V.I. Solodovnikov5, N.N. Yakhno6

1–6 Design Information Technologies Center Russian Academy of Sciences (Odintsovo, Moscow Region, Russia)