Articles by keyword протеом
Features of the proteomic regulation of energy metabolism during the annual wintering at the Antarctic station “Vostok”

I.M. Larina1, A.G. Goncharova2, L.H. Pastushkova3, D.N. Kashirina4,
A.N. Chebotok
5, A.S. Kononikhin6, A.G. Břosovsky7, E.A. Ilyin8

1–8 State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation – Institute of Medical and Biological Problems
of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)

The effect of hypobaric hypoxia on the blood plasma proteome of a healthy person uring wintering at the Antarctic Vostok Station

L.H. Pastushkova1, A.G. Goncharova2, D.N. Kashirina3, I.M. Larina4, E.A. Ilyin5

1–5 State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation – Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy
of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)

Invariance of proteins – participants in biological processes during long-term space flight

L.Kh. Pastushkova1, A.G. Goncharova2, A.M. Nosovsky3, D.N. Kashirina4, I.M. Larina5

1–5 SSC RF – Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)

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