Articles by keyword теория массового обслуживания
Estimation of Throughput of the Channel of Recognition Multipurpose Radar
R.V. Antipensky, I.V. Lazarev
«Smart house» methods of the theory mass service
E.E. Gushchin, A.A. Dunaev, V.E. Lihachev, V.A. Antipov
Mathematical model of geospatial data handling procedure
A.I. Zakharenkov, A.V. Shabanov
Redundancy in homogeneous structures
E.L. Kon - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic university. E-mail: M.M. Kulagina - Senior Lecturer, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Improving the availability of regional-scale networks
Yu.M. Monakhov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Informatics and Information Security, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs E-mail: S.D. Luchinkin - Undergraduate, Engineer, Department of Informatics and Information Security, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs E-mail:
Evaluation of the effectiveness association and scheduling algorithms for the transmission of delay-sensitive traffic on the downlink of wireless networks

N.A. Yankovskiy1, T.M. Tatarnikova2

1,2 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)

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