N.A. Yankovskiy1, T.M. Tatarnikova2
1,2 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)
1 yannik98@yandex.ru, 2 tm-tatarn@yandex.ru
The widespread introduction of wireless control systems in industrial facilities creates a special scenario for their use, known as the industrial Internet of Things. This scenario assumes that there are many users with a limited message transmission delay time. The purpose of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of algorithms for planning the allocation of time-frequency resources for communication systems with orthogonal frequency channel multiplexing (OFDM) when transmitting delay-sensitive traffic in a downlink.
An algorithm is proposed for calculating the value of the lower bound of the average message transmission delay of delay-sensitive traffic in a system with several base stations. The algorithm takes system parameters as input: the average message size, the intensity of the input stream and the average value of the maximum achievable speed data transmission for each device connected to the base station. Based on these parameters, an optimization problem is posed and a numerical solution is given. The solution of the optimization problem determines the value of the lower bound of the average message transmission delay for various scheduling algorithms in the downlink. The results obtained can be used by system developers in planning and deploying OFDM networks, and are also the basis for creating ultra-reliable low-latency communication technology (URLLC).
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