Articles by keyword биотехническая система
Instrumental assessment of compensatory reactions to loading imbalance in biotechnical system with structural-functional lower limb asymmetry
L.M. Smirnova - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Biotechnical Systems Department, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", Leading Researcher of the support-locomotion system biomechanical studies. "Federal State Institution" St. Petersburg Scientific and Practical Center of Medical and Social Expertise, Prosthetics and Rehabilitation named after G.A. Albrecht "of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. (St. Petersburg State Organization NTSEPR named after G.A. Albrecht Labor Russia)". E-mail:
I. V. Tkachuk - Рost-Graduate student, Department of Biotechnical Systems, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» VI Ulyanov (Lenin ). E-mail:
O. E. Gaevskaya - Candidate of Medical Sciences . Senior staff scientist of the support-locomotion system biomechanical studies. "Federal State Institution" St. Petersburg Scientific and Practical Center of Medical and Social Expertise, Prosthetics and Rehabilitation named after G.A. Albrecht "of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. (St. Petersburg State Organization NTSEPR named after G.A. Albrecht Labor Russia)». E-mail:
Development of a microelectrophoresis module for studying the electrokinetic properties of buccal epithelial cells

A.A. Rumyantseva1, A.A. Buslaev2, J.R. Huseynov3, I.P. Semchuk4, A.E. Kosorukov5, N.P. Muravskaya6, A.V. Samorodov7, A.K. Volkov8

1–7 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

8 Scientific and Educational Medical-Technological Center
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Development of a biotechnical system for the treatment of inflammation caused by C. acnes

L.V. Zhorina1, V.V. Trushina2

1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

2 LLC Center for Certification and Registration of Medical Devices (Moscow, Russia)

Study of the stress influence on the electrokinetic properties buccale epithelium cells

A.A. Rumyantseva1, P.S. Romanova2, A.A. Buslaev3, M.A. Ordzhonikidze4, A.V. Samorodov5, A. K. Volkov6

1–6 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Development of a biotechnical system for intraoperative diagnosis of perfusion and metabolic parameters of biological tissues during minimally invasive surgical interventions

E.V. Potapova1

1 Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics, Orel State University

Long-term monitoring system for pressure in extrahepatic bile ducts with automatic regulation

Yu.A. Shevchenko1, E.A. Semenova2, B.V. Sigua3

1,2 Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
3 Almazov National Medical Research Centre (Saint Petersburg, Russia)