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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №11 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Instrumental assessment of compensatory reactions to loading imbalance in biotechnical system with structural-functional lower limb asymmetry
L.M. Smirnova - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Biotechnical Systems Department, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", Leading Researcher of the support-locomotion system biomechanical studies. "Federal State Institution" St. Petersburg Scientific and Practical Center of Medical and Social Expertise, Prosthetics and Rehabilitation named after G.A. Albrecht "of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. (St. Petersburg State Organization NTSEPR named after G.A. Albrecht Labor Russia)". E-mail: info@diaserv.ru
I. V. Tkachuk - Рost-Graduate student, Department of Biotechnical Systems, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» VI Ulyanov (Lenin ). E-mail: irka5531@yandex.ru
O. E. Gaevskaya - Candidate of Medical Sciences . Senior staff scientist of the support-locomotion system biomechanical studies. "Federal State Institution" St. Petersburg Scientific and Practical Center of Medical and Social Expertise, Prosthetics and Rehabilitation named after G.A. Albrecht "of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. (St. Petersburg State Organization NTSEPR named after G.A. Albrecht Labor Russia)». E-mail: oksanagaevskaya@mail.ru
I. V. Tkachuk - Рost-Graduate student, Department of Biotechnical Systems, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» VI Ulyanov (Lenin ). E-mail: irka5531@yandex.ru
O. E. Gaevskaya - Candidate of Medical Sciences . Senior staff scientist of the support-locomotion system biomechanical studies. "Federal State Institution" St. Petersburg Scientific and Practical Center of Medical and Social Expertise, Prosthetics and Rehabilitation named after G.A. Albrecht "of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. (St. Petersburg State Organization NTSEPR named after G.A. Albrecht Labor Russia)». E-mail: oksanagaevskaya@mail.ru
Objective evaluation of load imbalance in the biotechnical system "patient - lower extremity prosthesis " is necessary for the efficient prosthesis configuration. The reason for the imbalance is structural and functional asymmetry in the system because of the difference structure of intact and prosthetic limbs, their weight, reduce support ability and stability of the stump with the prosthesis compared with healthy limb. Assessing the load imbalance is the analysis of compensatory responses , which may adversely affect the status of the disabled person is very important.
For the analysis of these reactions were conducted biomechanical examination of disabled on artificial limbs after amputation of a limb. Tests are used to hold the patient load in the hand of the prosthetic limb and from intact in orthograde posture of self-control ? «at attention» and without it.
Hardware and software system that allows to determine the zonal distribution of the load on the front and rear parts of the left and right foot and visualize the load vector on the figure of the patient's projections on the orthogonal planes are used. Stability tests to estimate the intensity of postural control systems were carried out.
Analysis of the survey results showed that increasing the weight of the load of prosthesis, initial load imbalance in the reference circuit compensated, and at destabilizing the weight of the intact limb - increased. Saving provision of stability was achieved with more complex «bad» scheme prosthesis. This is evidenced by the increase of tension poses.
A different picture emerges regarding the impact of side load on the location of the configuration biokinematical chain. When the load was suspended from the prosthesis, an increase in the initial lateralization biokinematical chain was observed. The loading of the intact limb within the physiological significance of weights led to a normalization of the situation in all regions biokinematical chain, and over this weight - to increase its initial lateralization shift toward prosthetic limb. Moreover laterality at the shoulder belt was considerably greater than the level of the pelvis , thereby attaching scoliotic formed .
These results indicate the effectiveness and necessity of instrumental methods for evaluation of load imbalance in the biotechnical system with the compensatory reactions to the support-locomotion system stages lower limb prosthetic use.
Pages: 10-14
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