Articles by keyword test-object
Principles of the Test-Object for Metrological Control of the Laser Doppler Flowmetry Apparatuses
A.V. Dunaev, E.A. Zherebtsov, D.A. Rogatkin
Using the Cellular Test-Objects in Preliminary Estimate of Experimental Formula of Sorption-Active Medicine Security
P.G. Mizina, A.A. Simakina, Yu.L. Gerasimov, P.P. Purygin
Software and hardware system and methods for control of technical state of laser doppler flowmetry monitors
E.A. Zherebtsov - Assistant, Department «Instrumentation, Metrology and Certification», State University - Education-Science-Production Complex, Research Scientist, Scientific-Educational Center «Biomedical Engineering», Oryol. E-mail:
A.V. Dunaev - Ph.D.(Eng.), Assistant Professor, Department «Instrumentation, Metrology and Certification», State University-Education-Science-Production Complex, Leading Research Scientist, Scientific-Educational Center «Biomedical Engineering»", Oryol. E-mail:,