350 rub
Journal №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Using the Cellular Test-Objects in Preliminary Estimate of Experimental Formula of Sorption-Active Medicine Security
P.G. Mizina, A.A. Simakina, Yu.L. Gerasimov, P.P. Purygin
Toxicity study hold a prominent place when creating and studying new composition of drugs and medicine. Together with classical examination of toxicity on animals the alternative methods are used. One of such methods is to use the cellular test-objects in experiments in vitro. While making estimate of general acute toxicity of experimental compositions of sorption-active fine powders (dusting powder) and porous basses by method in vitro we used two types of cellular test objects - Daphnia magna Status and semen Bovis. It was studied the influence on Daphnia magna Status of prepared water extract from dusting powders and sorption bases. At that it was taken into account: quantity of lost and survived entomostracans, time and quantity of egg lying in brood case. For the reproduction studying we used the fertility index (average amount of brood per one female for every litter). While using semen bovis as a test function there was chosen their mobility which was estimated by counting the changes in intensity of optical path while moving cells of the test-object through the optical sensor tool with assistance of the type analyzer of toxicity. The results of the experiment on three generation of Daphnia magna Status semen Bovis give evidence about no toxic effect on the researched compositions and predict non-toxicity for the mammals - organisms.
Pages: 209-214
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