Articles by keyword phase portraits
The Investigation of Existence and Stability of Solutions of Differential Systems of Ecological Dynamics with Regard to Competition and Diffusion
O. V. Druzhinina, O. N. Masina
Interrelation of zones of instability of fluctuations in strongly nonlinear parametrical zone system with the account of losses with its phase portraits
L.V. Cherkesova
Interrelation of Zones of Instability of the Resonant Nonlinear Parametrical Zone Systems without the Account of Losses with Phase Portraits
L.V. Cherkesova
Analytical model for the formation and display of dynamic variables describing the state of the study of computer networks
V.L. Tamp, N.V. Tamp
Construction and computer research of mathematical models of repair and operation of technical vehicles of railway transport

O.V. Druzhinina1, I.V. Makarenkova2, V.V. Maksimova3

1-3 FRС «Computer Science and Control» of RAS (Moscow, Russia)