Articles by keyword spectrum efficiency
Using of MIMO technology for increase of spectrum efficiency of the communication radio relay link
L. I. Ponomarev, V. V. Parshikov, A. A. Vasin
Efficiency improving of radio-frequency spectrum using
A. Y. Bekkiev - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, the director general of JSC «Sozvezdie» Concern»
V. I. Borisov - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the director of sciences of JSC «Sozvezdie» Concern»
A. E. Limarev - project director, JSC «Sozvezdie» Concern». E-mail:
S. Ju. Beleckaja - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor of "Voronezh State Technical University"
Spectral efficient signals based on phase pulses of the shape sinp x

S.B. Makarov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

Higher School of Applied Physics and Space Technologies of Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail:

A.M. Markov – Leading Engineer, 

Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail: