Articles by keyword space weather
Heliophysical Perturbations Impact on Human Heart in the Light of Nonlinear Dynamical Models of ECG
M.V. Ragulskaya, V.V. Pipin
Methods of digital processing for the modern navigatiоn systems radio signals in the top atmosphere researches
V.I. Zakharov, V.E. Kunitsyn
Spase weather and the efficiency of unstable angina treatment with the use of electromagnetic millimeter irradiation
S.S. Parshina - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky. E-mail:
S.N. Samsonov - Ph.D. (Phys-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, of Yu.G.Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy SB RAS. E-mail:
L.K. Tokayeva - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky
T.N. Afanasiyeva - Ph.D.(Med.), Assistant, Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky
E.M. Dolgova - Ph.D.(Med.), Associate Professor, Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky
V.I. Manykina - Junior Research Scientist, Yu.G.Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy SB RAS. E-mail: