Articles by keyword phased-array antennas
Comparison Accounting and Experimental Characteristics of the Inphase Balanced Divider Of The Antenna Attachment
V. V. Perfiljev, K. N. Klimov
An Essay on Development of Solid Active Phased-Array Antennas in Zelenograd School of Microwave Electronics
Egorov, E.N., Sbitnev, G.V., Chistuykhin, V.V.
Фазированные антенные решетки сверхбольшой мощности
V.D. Selemir - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leader Deputy in FSUE «RFNC-VNIIEF» - Director of Science and Technical Center, awarded by the Prize of the Government of the RF V.V. Voronin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Department, FSUE «RFNC-VNIIEF» N.N. Stepanov - Head of Department, FSUE «RFNC-VNIIEF», Honored Worker of Atomic Power Engineering Industry A.V. Gutov - Рost-graduate, Military Academy named afterf Peter the Great