Articles by keyword drosophila melanogaster
Investigation of the Biological Effect of Modulated UHF Cell Phone Radiation on Plant and Animal Organisms in Vivo
D.S. Pesnya, A.V. Romanovsky, I.M. Prokhorova, T.K. Artemova, M.I. Kovaleva, A.N. Fomicheva, S.A. Sokolov, E.S. Kondakova, Ch.M. Haluto, K.A. Sheshina, S.A. Vacorin
Modification of Postembrional Development of Drosophila Melanogaster Using Corner-Cube Reflector Optical System
A. B. Burlakov, A. S. Burzev, G. V. Chernova, Y. S. Kapranov, G. E. Kufal, I. V. Matjukhin, S. V. Perminov, I. M. Pershin