Articles by keyword depolarization
Radio wave introscopy in millimeter band
E.E. Chigryai, G.I.Khokhlov, B.G. Ignatov, A.V. Kovalev, V.G. Fedchishin, V.I. Matveev, A.S. Bajanov, V.I. Skopin, V.I. Krichevskiy
On Depolarization of Radar Signals in Ionosphere
N.N. Olyunin, V.V. Sazonov, A.G. Vinogradov
Estimation of Depolarization Caused by the Horizontal Gradients of Refractive Index in the Troposphere
N.N. Olyunin, V.V. Sazonov, A.G. Vinogradov
Simulation of radar signal reflection at half-nature modelling of the active homing head
V.S. Elizarov, A.V. Chepkasov
Study of coverage characteristics in the service area of radio center of mobile communication when using mixed polarization antennas

S. V. Saldaev – Applicant, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics


Depolarization effects when receiving radio waves on a moving object for various types and characteristics of the path

P.I. Bondar1

1 JSC “SIB RS” (Samara, Russia)