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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Radio wave introscopy in millimeter band
E.E. Chigryai, G.I.Khokhlov, B.G. Ignatov, A.V. Kovalev, V.G. Fedchishin, V.I. Matveev, A.S. Bajanov, V.I. Skopin, V.I. Krichevskiy
The results of elaboration of radio wave introscopy in millimeter band are presented in this article. For disclosure of conductive or dielectric linear objects in optical opaque surroundings, the method is offered, based on the effect of radio wave depolarization by prolate diffusers. The measurements of the reflection coefficients and conversion efficiency of polarization by conductors of different sections and in different insulations, fiber-optic cable and similar objects at the friguency 100 GHz are made. They have confirmed the possibility of disclosure without energy potential worsening. The receiving of scattered electromagnetic field depolarized component allowed to get rid of repulses prevented on the borders of construction materials. The elaborated quasioptical devices construction has allowed to create the multychannel microwave modules on 100 and 37,5 GHz frequencies with equipments of processing of reflected signals and with the following registration on personnel computer. The tests of radio wave introscopy models have confirmed the possibility of linear objects noninvasive disclosure in the thick optic opaque surroundings. While testing there was discovered a structure anisotropy of some construction materials.
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