Articles by keyword tissue specificity
Low dose of fluoride influences to free radical oxidation and intracellular protective systems in heart, lung and liver
D.A. Alekhina - Post-graduate Student, Laboratory of the Experimental Hygienic Studies of Scientific, Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Kemerovo Region, Novokuznetsk A.G. Zhukova - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of the Experimental Hygienic Studies of Scientific, Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Kemerovo Region, Novokuznetsk E-mail: T.G. Sazontova - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Laboratory of Adaptive Medicine, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: