V.T. Ermolayev, A.G. Flaksman, I.V. Dushko, A.V. Panfilov
V.N. Kharisov, V.S. Efimenko, A.A. Oganesyan, A.V. Pastukhov, P.V. Medvedev, P.M. Golovin, V.S. Pavlov
A.V. Pastukhov - Ph.D.(Eng.), Head of R&D, Department of navigation and communication systems in Technical Sciences, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: apastukhov@abselectro.com
A.A. Oganesyan - Ph.D.(Eng.), Assistant director, Department of navigation and communication systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail:aoganesyan@abselectro.com
P.M. Golovin - Scientist, Department of navigation and connection systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: pavelgolovin1234@bk.ru
V.S. Pavlov - Engineer, Department of navigation and connection systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: ra4sbc@mail.ru
P.V. Medvedev - Ph.D.(Eng.), Member, Department of navigation and connection systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: pmedvedev@abselectro.com
A.I. Gavrilov - Member, Department of navigation and connection systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: artyom83@mail.ru
A.P. Melikhova - Part-programming engineer, LLC «Special Technology Center» (SPb). E-mail: antonina_92@list.ru
I.A. Tsikin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail: tsikin@mail.spbstu.ru
A.P. Melikhova - Part-programming Engineer, LLC «Special Technology Center» (Saint Petersburg)
E-mail: antonina_92@list.ru
I.A. Tsikin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems», Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
E-mail: tsikin@mail.spbstu.ru