350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Interference situation monitoring in the global navigation satellite systems frequency band. The practical implementation
navigation satellite systems
spatial signal processing
interference canceller
interference situation monitoring
interference detection
A.V. Pastukhov - Ph.D.(Eng.), Head of R&D, Department of navigation and communication systems in Technical Sciences, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: apastukhov@abselectro.com
A.A. Oganesyan - Ph.D.(Eng.), Assistant director, Department of navigation and communication systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail:aoganesyan@abselectro.com
P.M. Golovin - Scientist, Department of navigation and connection systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: pavelgolovin1234@bk.ru
V.S. Pavlov - Engineer, Department of navigation and connection systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: ra4sbc@mail.ru
P.V. Medvedev - Ph.D.(Eng.), Member, Department of navigation and connection systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: pmedvedev@abselectro.com
A.I. Gavrilov - Member, Department of navigation and connection systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: artyom83@mail.ru
A.A. Oganesyan - Ph.D.(Eng.), Assistant director, Department of navigation and communication systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail:aoganesyan@abselectro.com
P.M. Golovin - Scientist, Department of navigation and connection systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: pavelgolovin1234@bk.ru
V.S. Pavlov - Engineer, Department of navigation and connection systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: ra4sbc@mail.ru
P.V. Medvedev - Ph.D.(Eng.), Member, Department of navigation and connection systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: pmedvedev@abselectro.com
A.I. Gavrilov - Member, Department of navigation and connection systems, Moscow branch of OJSC «VNIIR-Progress». E-mail: artyom83@mail.ru
Nowadays it is the actual task of monitoring of the interference situation in the field of GNSS. Experienceof designingthe effective interference canceller based on antenna arrays allowed to create a prototype GNSS interference detector. The common base of the canceller and the detector of interference is to compute the correlation matrix of the antenna array channels.
GNSS interference detector is a single unit device that is connected to a computer. Antenna system: 4 microstrip elementsfor L1 GLONASS and GPS band (identical to antenna array of the interference canceller "КОМЕТА"), 4 vibrator antenna elements GLONASS L3 and L5 GPS band.
The optimal algorithms of interference detection, estimation of the number of interference sources and estimation of the azimuth of one interfering transmitter are introduced.
GNSS interference detector tests showed that it successfully performs the following functions: estimation of the average interference power in each band, estimation of the number of the interference sources in each band, estimation of interference source azimuth.
Pages: 135-140
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