Articles by keyword power budget
Devices for Detection and Monitoring of Alive and Moving Objects with the Use of Ultra-Wideband Measuring Signals
© A.V. Andriyanov, G.S. Ikramov, M.V. Pugin, A.A. Ryabinkin
On-board Antenna Systems for Satellite Communication (survey)
O. V. Vasil-ev - C.Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department, JSC "Moscow Science and Research Radio Technical Institute" (MNIRTI)
E. V. Ovchinnikova - C.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor of Moscow Aviation Institute, Department of Radiophysics, Antennas and Microwave Technique. E-mail:
S. G. Kondrat-eva - Postgraduate Student of Moscow Aviation Institute, Department of Radiophysics, Antennas and Microwave Technique. E-mail:
A. M. Ribakov - Student of Moscow Aviation Institute
Procedure for DISS power budget estimation

A.S. Gostyunin - Ph.D.(Eng.), Head of «Lutch» Student Design Bureau (Rybinsk), 
Associate Professor, Lecturer, Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A. Soloviev