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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №4 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Procedure for DISS power budget estimation
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604128-201904-07
UDC: 621.396.96/98

A.S. Gostyunin - Ph.D.(Eng.), Head of «Lutch» Student Design Bureau (Rybinsk), 
Associate Professor, Lecturer, Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A. Soloviev


The term «power budget» of the radio system is analyzed and the ambiguities in the definition of the power budget (PB) existing in literature are pointed out. The combination of the energy parameters is considered and the expedient combination of the parameters defining power budget of the radio system, in particular DISS, is substantiated. Procedure for the estimation of the required DISS power budget for a given flight altitude is proposed.

The article provides a method for estimating the power budget for Doppler Speed and Drift meter (DISS). An important tactical characteristic of a radio system (RS) is the range or maximum altitude of working capacity for systems installed on the air vehicle (AV). The range (altitude capacity), as well as the accuracy of signal data parameter measurement, is mainly determined by the power budget (PB) of the radio system. Therefore, it is important in the development of a new PS to calculate its PB with sufficient accuracy.However, several different definitions of the power budget are used in literature, and for the most part, arbitrarily. This arbitrariness makes it difficult to compare various radio systems for technical characteristics. The article contains proposals on the expedient combination of the RS parameters creating power budget.

Since the radar-location equation determines the range of the radio system, in the concept of «power budget» it is advisable to include all the parameters (characteristics) of the equation that affect the increase in the range of the system. It is known that the radar-location equation does not take into account all real-life losses of signal power. To ensure high reliability of the evaluation of the PB, the most significant signal power losses are additionally included in the calculation. Some features of the calculation of PB are indicated, an example of the evaluation of PB of a typical DISS is given.

The performed study showed that in order to reliably estimate the power budget of a radio system, it is necessary to use a more complete combination of the system’s energy parameters and additionally take into account signal power losses that are not taken into account by the basic equation of radar location.

Pages: 54-88
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Date of receipt: 24 мая 2019 г.