Articles by keyword laboratory complex
A using of products of National Instruments Company for the implementation data transfer through the SPI interface
A.I. Maksimkin - Post-graduate Student, National research nuclear university «MIFI». E-mail:
A.N. Semenenko - Post-graduate Student, Moscow institute of electronics and mathematics of National research university «Economy Higher School». E-mail:
Investigation of pressing the electrode system on the EIM signals and morphological forearm tissues changes during muscle contraction

A.V. Kobelev1, A.N. Briko2, V.V. Kapravchuk3, V.A. Popova4, T.A. Goidina5, E.V. Maslennikova6, S.I. Shchukin7

1–5,7 Bauman Moscow State Technical University

6 BMSTU Reseach and Educational Center of Medical Technology