A.V. Kobelev1, A.N. Briko2, V.V. Kapravchuk3, V.A. Popova4, T.A. Goidina5, E.V. Maslennikova6, S.I. Shchukin7
1–5,7 Bauman Moscow State Technical University
6 BMSTU Reseach and Educational Center of Medical Technology
To date, electrical impedance signals show their informativeness in the tasks of biofeedback of orthoses and forearm prostheses in recognizing basic hand gestures. However, to effectively solve biocontrol problems using an electrical impedance signal, it is important to consider its dependence on the parameters and registration conditions, which lead to incorrect interpretation of the control signal and errors in the control of robotic devices. The pressure of the electrode system during electrical impedance measurements affects both the electrode-skin resistance and the quality of signal recording. The variability of pressing the electrode system to the skin leads to changes in the electrical impedance signal that are not associated with the performance of the hand action
The aim of the work is to study the effect of pressing the electrode system against the skin of the forearm on the electrical impedance myography signal registration during muscle contraction.
In the pressure ranges of the electrode system on the skin surface from 0 to 250 Pa (2 mm Hg), the greatest change in the electrical impedance signal is observed during muscle contraction, and the shape of the electrical impedance signal reflects the angle of hand flexion. With this pressing pressure, in the process of muscle contraction, the subcutaneous fat is thinned.
A further increase in the pressure of the electrode systems on the skin surface leads to the fact that the electrical impedance signals are distorted and it is no longer possible to determine the degree of hand flexion. The thickness of the subcutaneous fat remains constant, only the relative position of the muscle’s changes.
The data obtained made it possible to establish how the boundaries of the forearm tissues change during muscle contraction. The pressure exerted by the electrode system on the skin, and the associated nature of the change in the boundaries of the tissues of the forearm during muscle contraction, should be considered when developing control systems for bionic devices based on the registration of electrical impedance signals.
Kobelev A.V., Briko A.N., Kapravchuk V.V., Popova V.A., Goidina T.A., Maslennikova E.V., Shchukin S.I. Investigation of pressing the electrode system on the EIM signals and morphological forearm tissues changes during muscle contraction. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2022. V. 25. № 5. Р. 85-93. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202205-10 (In Russian)
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