Articles by keyword high-precision navigation
Prospects of creating high-precision navigation and efemeris-time information global system for civil consumers in real time
V.V. Pasynkov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Deputy General Director and General Product Engineer OJC «RPC «PSI» (Moscow)
V.F. Braginets - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Department, Main Product Engineer of OJC «RPC «PSI» branch (Moscow region)
A.N. Zhukov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Main Product Engineer and Deputy Director of OJC «RPC «PSI» branch (Moscow region)
Y.G. Suhoy - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, OJC «RPC «PSI» branch (Moscow region)
A.A. Fedotov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Deputy General Product Engineer of OJC «RPC «PSI» (Moscow)
Navigation signal phase prediction during signal outages: modeling and experimental evaluation results in NV216C-IMU inertial-satellite navigation system

I.A. Nagin1, T.A. Muhamedzyanov2, A.A. Cherkasova3

1-3 “KB NAVIS” (Moscow, Russia)

Prediction of navigation signal phase estimations using inertial navigation system data for high-precision navigation in complex environments

A.Yu. Shatilov1, I.A. Nagin2, A.A. Cherkasova3, T.A. Muhamedzyanov4

1–4 AO KB NAVIS (Moscow, Russia), 2, 3, 4