I.A. Nagin1, T.A. Muhamedzyanov2, A.A. Cherkasova3
1-3 “KB NAVIS” (Moscow, Russia)
Problem. High-precision satellite navigation requires continuous phase measurements. In navigation receiver phase lock loops are used for phase estimation. The work of the phase lock loop consists of the two stages – extrapolation and correction. In the signal outages it is impossible to perform correction stage. Thus, phase lock loops cannot give accurate phase estimation, which makes high-precision satellite navigation impossible. To obtain phase estimates in short-time signal outages, we propose to predict phase using inertial measurements. This can be done in an inertial-satellite navigation system, which is a combination of two navigation systems - satellite and inertial.
Goals. It is necessary to develop the phase prediction algorithm for phase estimation during short-term signal outages, using inertial measurements. It is essential to determine the achievable characteristics of the phase prediction algorithm by means of simulation modeling. Then we should conduct experimental studies of the phase prediction algorithm in the NV216C-IMU inertial-satellite navigation system.
Results. The developed phase prediction algorithm implemented in the prototype of the NV216C-IMA inertial-satellite navigation system. Presented algorithm allows phase estimation during short-term navigation signal outages. Using the developed Octave/MATLAB model, the region of phase stable recovery is determined. A study was conducted to determine the maximum possible phase prediction interval for an Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator using the developed semi-natural model in C++. It is determined that the phase and velocity errors in the prediction algorithm are inside the region of stable recovery at an interval of up to 4 seconds. An experimental study was conducted with the NV216C-IMU inertial-satellite navigation system, which confirmed the possibility of predicting
Nagin I.A., Muhamedzyanov T.A., Cherkasova A.A. Navigation signal phase prediction during signal outages: modeling and experimental evaluation results in NV216C-IMU inertial-satellite navigation system. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 11. P. 131−142.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202211-20 (In Russian)
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