Articles by keyword flow density
Violations of Movement Function in Unicellular Aquatic with Low Radio-Frequency Effects: Experiments on the Infusoria Spirostomum ambiguum, Irradiated at a Frequency of Mobile Communication (1 GHz) for Different Values of Energy Flux Density
E. Sarapultseva, J. Igolkina
Dependence of the Biological Hazards of Low Radio-Frequency Effects from the Energy Flux Density: Experiments to the Spirostomum ambiguum, Irradiated at a Frequency of 10 GHz
Yu.V. Igolkina, E.I. Sarapultseva, A.V. Litovchenko
Field of the light pointing source beyond the atmospheric boundary
Yu.P. Vagin, I.Yu. Kuzmina, V.P. Busigin, N.G. Busigina