Articles by keyword error of measurement
Enhancement of transformation and digital processing accuracy of electrical signals
N. R. Allakhverdiyeva, A. M. Mehdiyeva, E. K. Mehdizade
Combined filtration of code and phase measurements in the high-precision radio navigation equipment
A.V. Grebennikov
Special features of processing signals in the high-precision equipment GNSS
A.V. Grebennikov
Privacy information transfer from the use of function Walsh
A.V. Grebennikov - Ph. Dr. (Eng.), the chairman of department «radio-electronic technique of the information systems» of the institute of engineering physics and radio electronics of Siberian federal university A.S. Kondratyev - The senior instructor of department «radio-electronic technique of the information systems» of the institute of engineering physics and radio electronics of Siberian federal university A.P. Kudrevich - The engineer of department «radio-electronic technique of the information systems» of the institute of engineering physics and radio electronics of Siberian federal university V.N. Tyapkin - Ph. Dr. (Eng.),, professor, Military-training center, Siberian federal university (SFU). E-mail:
Vector network analyzer verification using Beatty standard
A. A. Savin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Radio Systems (RTS), Tomsk State University of Control System and Radio Electronics. E-mail:
V. G. Guba - Deputy chief metrologist, Micran, Researdh&Production Company, Tomsk. E-mail:
G. N. Glazov - Senior Research Scientist, Micran, Researdh&Production Company, Tomsk. E-mail:
Analysis of the sensitivity of lidar sensing of atmospheric aerosol
D.V. Gedzenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Teacher of 13 Department, Military Educational Research Centre of Air Force «Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh). E-mail:
V.A. Drabenko - Ph.D. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Head of Military Department, Russian State Hydrometeorological University (St. Petersburg)
I.N. Ishchuk - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of 12 Department, Military Educational Research Centre of Air Force «Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh)