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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Combined filtration of code and phase measurements in the high-precision radio navigation equipment
satellite navigation
an error of measurement
the ionosphere
A.V. Grebennikov
Decrease of an error of measurement of pseudo-distance - one of the basic tasks, decided in the high-precision radio navigation equipment, which functions on the signals ГЛОНАСС/GPS. The use of information about increase in the carrier frequency of signal frequency in the diagram of tracking of the delay of the ranging code makes it possible to repeatedly decrease a random error of measurement of pseudo-distance without an increase in the dynamic error of measurement. In the article the versions of the realization of the combined filtration are examined, are shown the limitations, superimposed on the realization of the combined filtration by a change of the signal delay in the ionosphere. Are proposed the methods of eliminating the limitations, superimposed by a change of the ionospheric delay in the single-frequency and two-frequency navigation aid. Are given the experimental results, obtained with the use of the methods of an improvement in the characteristics of the combined filtration proposed, is shown the effectiveness of the approaches to the decrease of error proposed. On the basis of the obtained results is proposed the method of fight with an error in the multiple-beam method, which can be used for the navigation aid, which works on a constant position, for example, of base stations of differential correction, the noninterrogation measuring systems of the ground-based complex of monitoring and control ГЛОНАСС. Additionally, with the use of the approaches to the joint filtration proposed, is experimentally demonstrated the possibility of the mutual synchronization of the objects, removed to hundreds of kilometers, with the error (RMS) it is less than 1 ns.
Pages: 118-128
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