Articles by keyword directive gain
The Weaken Radiator Line Set Gain Optimization
R.V. Lobov, V.P. Yakovlev
Characteristics of Spatial Distribution of Wave Fields, Focused within Lossed Material
R.R. Nizamutdinov, O.V. Potapova, Yu.E. Sedelnikov
Efficiency of antennas with contoured radiation patterns. Two-dimensional problem
V. I. Melnichuk - PhD student of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, engineer, JSC «Radiofizika»
A. V. Shishlov - PhD, head of department, JSC «Radiofizika», deputy head of chair radiophysics and technical cybernetics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
The dependence of directional characteristics of video pulse antenna array on quantity of its elements and on the distance between them
E.V. Urzhumtsev - Research Scientist, JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow). E-mail: