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Journal Antennas №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The dependence of directional characteristics of video pulse antenna array on quantity of its elements and on the distance between them
video pulse scanning antenna array (VPSAA)
energetic directivity diagram (EDD)
EDD beamwidth
average side radiation level
energetic directive gain
self-correlation function
E.V. Urzhumtsev - Research Scientist, JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow). E-mail: eurgumcev@gmail.com
The object of study in this paper is linear equidistant array of point isotropic antennas that synchronously radiate impulses of uniform amplitude and shape. Video pulse scanning antenna array (VPSAA) can be one of the examples of such array when its beam is set or-thogonally to its sheet.
The matter of study in this paper are the directional characteristics of such array. If the dimension in space of impulses radiated by the elements of the array is smaller than its sheet\'s length then the array\'s farfield is time-dependent. Transient characteristics of radiated impulses can be cosidered by using special impulse (e.g. peak amplitude) or energetic directivity diagram (EDD).
Several different mathematic models describing the formation of EDD of antenna arrays are described in literature. These models have limited applicability or demand sophisticated computation.
The aim of this paper is studying of some new model of array\'s EDD forming that takes its elements quantity, spacing and radiated signal shape into consideration. The other aim is using this model for estimation of other directivity characteristics of VPSAA.
It is assumed in this paper that sum impulse of intensity of electrical field initiated by the array in a farfield viewpoint can be represented as a sum of impulses radiated by the elements of the array subject to their time shifts that depend on mutual alignment of these elements and the viewpoint. Considering the expression for sum field of the array in the formula for EDD, one can find that EDD of an array depends on two components. The first component doesn\'t depend on the direction of the viewpoint and is defined only by the quantity if array\'s elements. The second component depends on this direction and shows to be a sum of the values of self-correlation function of radiated impulses in the moments related to time shifts between the impulses of different pairs of elements of the array in the viewpoint.
The EDD of different arrays plotted with the use of this expression are analyzed. This analysis can provide an expression for the array\'s beamwidth. This directivity parameter of an array depends on the quantity of elements and on the distance between them.
The term «average side radiation level» for video pulse antenna arrays can be defined similarly to the term «average sidelobe level» of monochromatic antennas. The analysis of plots of this parameter versus spacing parameter of an array for different array elements quantities (N) shows that this parameter depends on N as 1 / Nα, where α is a positive coefficient depending on the spacing parameter.
The expression for energetic directive gain analysis shows that increasing of the array spacing parameter yields increasing of its energetic directive gain from 1 to N and the gain-spacing diagram oscillates near N. The count of the oscillation «lobes» depends on the form of radiated impulses self-correlation function.
Obtained dependencies can be used while designing video pulse antenna arrays.
Pages: 57-65
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