Articles by keyword diffraction problem
Simulation of the Field Generated by the Complex Objects in an Environment with Localized Inhomogeneities
Proskurin, D.K., Popelo, V.D., Pechenkin, N.S., Zemtsov, A.V.
Directional Characteristics of the Round Conductive Ground Planes
K. K. Klionovski
Formation of three-dimensional images in bistatic radar system using inverse aperture synthesis and tomography
A.A. Luchin, A.K. Stroev, A.O. Zhukov
Application of the method of integral equations based on the Lorentz lemma for calculation of matching transitions between rectangular waveguides with offset axes

S. M. Garanin¹, I. N. Danilov², A. V. Kashin³, A. Yu. Sedakov4

1–4  Branch of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics «Measuring Systems Research Institute n.a. Yu.E. Sedakov»

Diffraction of electromagnetic wave by a microstrip antenna with frame radiator

S.A. Korshunov

JSC “SIP RS” (Samara, Russia)