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Journal Antennas №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Directional Characteristics of the Round Conductive Ground Planes
K. K. Klionovski
Problems of analysis antennas ground planes acquired relevance in connection with the development of precision positioning signals of GLONASS / GPS. It achieved to date, error positioning in real time on the order of several centimeters is almost completely determined by the multipath due to reflections from the surface. This so-called nearest multipath, is not inhibited by the receiver signal processing algorithms and basic protection of the reflections is the antenna ground plane. In view of the crucial importance of satellite signals, which are at low angles of elevation to the horizon (the so-called lower satellites), assessment of the degree of suppression of multipath leads to an analysis of the directional characteristics of the total area, including low angels of ground plane directions.
In article the behavior characteristics of DU, formed by a round conductive ground plane is considered. As an exciting source of the ground plane use a ring of magnetic current of the first harmonic of the azimuthal phase. Such a source is of interest because it is an adequate model for calculating the radiation field is low-profile printed antenna of circular polarization. The superposition of two such sources in the opposite direction of the traveling wave of current along the azimuth allows to consider the characteristics of the linearly polarized excitation, in particular - in the two principal planes. The latter is essential for the practice of designing screens antennas.
In this paper to evaluate the directivity characteristics of the problem is solved by the method of physical optics. Also, consider the exact calculation based on solving an integral equation for the electric current ground plane by method of moments. Shows the results of the directional characteristics by using the method of physical optics and method of moments.
Pages: 31-37
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