Articles by keyword converter «biometrics-code»
Approximation of binomial dependent law by the compositions of normal, uniform, and arc sine distributions of values
B.S. Akhmetov, D.N. Nadeev, I.V. Urnev, I.V. Serikov
Rating of «nano» and «pico» probabilities of rare events of biometric authentication on small test samples
V.A. Funtikov
Evaluation of the ordinary and weighted Hamming metrics application efficiency when ordering the natural biometric image bases
D.Yu. Andreev
Entropic-correlation estimation of hash properties of the neural network converter «biometrics-access code»
A.I. Ivanov, A.V. Mayorov, Yu.K. Yazov
Neural network classifier of fingerprint image papillary pattern types
M.V. Secretov, V.I. Volchikhin, V.S. Bezyaev
Connection between the entropy of neural network converters «biometrics-code» output states and the pair correlation coefficients
D.N. Nadeev, V.A. Funtikov, A.I. Ivanov