350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Connection between the entropy of neural network converters «biometrics-code» output states and the pair correlation coefficients
entropy of large-size systems
neural network converter «biometrics-code»
Hamming-s entropy calculating accelerator
averaged module of pair correlation coefficients
D.N. Nadeev, V.A. Funtikov, A.I. Ivanov
The output entropy of the converter «biometrics-code» can be evaluated as a function of a number of outputs placed in the converter and the averaged module of pair correlation coefficients between randomly selected pairs of discrete outputs. The ascertained connection is represented in the form of nomograms for different number of converter outputs. The authors has put forward a hypothesis that the ascertained dependency can be used for continuous large-size systems, unable to implement Hamming-s entropy calculating accelerator
Pages: 74-77
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