Articles by keyword catalyst
Transmission electron microscopy of ME-decorated carbon nanofibers for catalytical systems
V.G. Zhigalina, O.M. Zhigalina, I.I. Ponomarev, D.N. Khmelenin, D.Yu. Razorenov, Iv.I. Ponomarev, N.A. Kiselev
Phase transfer method for PH-alkylation of dimethylphosphite with methylchloroacetate
N.А. Bondarenko, А.V. Kharlamov, О.I. Artyushin
Production of thin graphite films on a dielectric substrate by heteroepitaxial synthesis

I.A. Sorokin, D.V. Kolodko, E.G. Shustin, V.A. Luzanov

Fryazino branch of Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS (Fryazino, Russia)

Production of thin graphite films on a dielectric substrate by heteroepitaxial synthesis

I.A. Sorokin1, D.V. Kolodko2, E.G. Shustin3, V.A. Luzanov4

1-4 Fryazino branch of Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS (Fryazino, Russia)