Articles by keyword burnout
Phases of emotional burnout syndrome in the indicants of the heart rhythm variability
N. E. Revina
Dimensionally ontology V. Frankl as the conceptual basis for interdisciplinary synthesis of Biomedicine, psychology and computing
O.E. Petrunia - Ph.D. (Philos.), Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Social Communication of MATI - Russian State Technological University K.E. Tsiolkovsky (Moscow). E-mail:
Motivational and need states in teachers with different levels of psychoemotional burnout
O.В. Mikhailova - Ph.D. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Chair of Social and Differential Psychology, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail: A.S. Kulikova - Master, Department of Social and Differential Psychology, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail: