350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Motivational and need states in teachers with different levels of psychoemotional burnout
O.В. Mikhailova - Ph.D. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Chair of Social and Differential Psychology, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail: Olga00241@yandex.ru A.S. Kulikova - Master, Department of Social and Differential Psychology, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail: anastasia_tsche@hotmail.com
The article provides the results of a recent research aimed at investigating the specifics of psychoemotional burnout ma-nifestation in teachers. Basing on a theoretical analysis of burnout genesis and manifestation phenomena in pedagogical activity, the authors make a range of suggestions concerning the changes in motivational and need states in teachers with different levels of psychoemotional burnout manifestation. On the basis of the obtained data the article formulates detailed conclusions and gives recommendations concerning the prevention and correction of psychoemotional burnout syndrome manifestation. The research involved 80 female teachers (average age 46 years old), working in Moscow schools. The authors used the fol-lowing techniques: the diagnostics of emotional burnout by V. Boyko, the diagnostics of personal social and psychological attitudes in motivational and need spheres by O. Potyomkina, the diagnostics of achievement and failure avoidance moti-vation in a personality by T. Ehlers. As a result of the conducted research three groups of teachers with low, average and high levels of psychoemotional bur-nout were revealed. The specifics of motivational and need states were analysed in each of these groups, and significant re-lations were found out between the specifics of achievement motivation manifestations and social and psychological atti-tudes in motivational and need spheres. The characteristics of motivational and need states in teachers with average and low burnout levels turned out to be unconnected with either achievement motivation or failure avoidance motivation. Neu-tral motivational attitude to achievements and failures was found to be common for the most part of respondents. On the basis of the obtained data the article formulates detailed conclusions and gives recommendations concerning the prevention and correction of psychoemotional burnout syndrome manifestation. The prevention and correction system combines organisational and personal strategies connected with the specifics of motivational sphere correction in the cor-porate culture of an educational institution. The above-mentioned strategies also imply teachers themselves working on personal social and psychological attitudes in motivational and need spheres of their professional activity.
Pages: 55-60


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