V. A. Berezovskyi, I. D. Zolotarev, E. Y. Mikhaylov, K. A. Sidorenko
V.S. Efimenko - Ph. D, professor Moscow branch of OJSC "VNIIR-Progress" (part of the holding "ABS Electro"). E-mail: vefimenko@abselectro.com
A.V. Pastukhov - Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Moscow branch of OJSC "VNIIR-Progress" (part of the holding "ABS Electro"). E-mail: apastukhov@abselectro.com
D.N. Voronchikhin - Moscow branch of OJSC "VNIIR-Progress" (part of the holding "ABS Electro"). E-mail: dvoronchikhin@abselectro.com
V.S. Pavlov - Leading Engineer, Department of Navigation and Communication Systems, JSC «VNIIR-Progress»
E-mail: vapavlov@abselectro.com