350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Influence of nonidentity reception channels in adaptive antenna arrays on GNSS signals reception characteristics
V.S. Pavlov - Leading Engineer, Department of Navigation and Communication Systems, JSC «VNIIR-Progress» E-mail: vapavlov@abselectro.com
Nonidentity of reception channels frequency characteristics is agreed to be one of the main problems of adaptive antenna array reali-zation. Negative effect of amplitude-phase distortion of focusing in optimal spatial filter (beamformer algorithm) is considerably differs from general knowing because focusing comes after jammer mitigation procedure which could have a random effect on focusing characteristics depending on jamming environment. The paper introduces research of amplitude-phase distortion influence in beamformer focusing on desired signal reception characteristics (SNR, instrumental deviation of signal carrier phase estimation). Research method is based on simulation of jamming environment performance of the algorithm in terms of statistical data of channels phase distortion and amplitudes. Contrary to classical focusing estimation and accurate performance of amplitude interrelations in different channels become important because now they influence on signal carrier phase and hence accuracy characteristics of GNSS receiver. The paper shows that present element base provides channel transmitting response non-identity up to 0.43 dB of amplitude deviation and 9.8° of phase deviation without adjustment. Research demonstrates that in jamming environment such focusing distortions could result in signal phase estimation errors up to 4 mm which exceed estimation errors of GNSS receiver.
Pages: 128-134


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