Articles by keyword an antenna array
Estimating the Number and Coordinates of Closely Spaced Radiation Sources From a Space-Time Sampling
M.I. Sychev
Estimating the number and coordinates of closely spaced radiation sources from a space-time sampling from an antenna array with irregular structure
M. I. Sychev
Research the coordinate method of phase-s syntheses pattern nulls of an directional diagram of an antenna array an onboard radar in the direction of few hindrances sources
S.A. Popov, E.M. Shutko, N.R. Khalimov
Synthesis of algorithms for determining the location of sources of radiation shortwave
V.A. Ufaev, A.V. Ufaev, D.V. Ufaev
Estimating the number and coordinates of partially coherent radiation sources from a circular antenna array sample
M.I. Sychev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Head of the Department of Radiolocation, Moscow Aviation Institute. E-mail:
About the characteristics of lateral reception (radiation) of the phased ring antenna arrays
I. S. Dmitriev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, JSC - Concern "Sozvezdie". E-mail: