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Journal Antennas №4 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Research the coordinate method of phase-s syntheses pattern nulls of an directional diagram of an antenna array an onboard radar in the direction of few hindrances sources
S.A. Popov, E.M. Shutko, N.R. Khalimov
In the present days onboard radars are main information sources of aircrafts by fighting. For reducing the effectiveness by using air weapon an enemy use radio-electronic struggle devices that block information channels of investigation, communication line и remote control. For efficiency neutralization, onboard radars could at the same time use few different type and placing hindrance devices. In one's turn by radio opposition it is effectively using spatial filtration to synthesize pattern nulls in the directional diagram of the radars antenna array to strike line hindrance signals. In the article it presents the result of the research main characteristics and data of the directional diagram of the antenna array by synthesizing one and more pattern nulls.
Pages: 30-34
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