Articles by keyword Hopfield network
Comparison of the efficiency of recognition of images for the Bayes algorithm, correlation and modified Hopfield network
Yu. A. Basistov, Yu. G. Yanovsky
Neural network module of medical diagnosis intelligence system
S. V. Zhernakov, M. A. Shulakova
Modeling of the Hopfield neural networks in active wireless networks
V.V. Chibissov - Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Application of the neural network model of Hopfield’s associative memory in the task of processing radar information

E.V. Egorova1, M.H. Aksayitov2, A.N. Ribakov3

1 MTU MIREA (Moscow, Russia)

2 JSC OKB Electroautomatics (Moscow, Russia)

3 FSUE VNIIA named after N.L. Dukhova (Moscow, Russia)