Articles by keyword образовательные программы
Development of educational programs in the development of the pharmaceutical industry «Medical instrumentation»
I.A. Appolonjva - Ph.D.(Eng.), Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Techniques, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
R.I. Burlakov - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
S.E. Kvashnin (1951 - 2013) - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor
A.V. Kobelev - Assistant, Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
V.V. Kotin - Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Assistant Professor, Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
V.I. Petrov - Deputy Director, Scientific Research Institute of Bioiatrotechnics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
S.I. Shchukin - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Development of IT-oriented bachelor's degree programs

I.V. Chukhraev1, E.N. Malyshev2

1,2 Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Kaluga, Russia)

Food allergy and food intolerance. Problems of clinical control (literature review)

A.G. Goncharova1, G.A. Tikhonova2, I.N. Goncharov3, A.A. Markin4

1–4 Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation –
Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)

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