Articles by keyword микро- и макроэлементы
Influence strain of bifidobacterium longum on amount of endogenous losses of chemical elements from the body of laboratory animals (rats wistar)
O.V. Kwan, S.V. Notova, S.V. Lebedev, A.V. Bykov, O.V. Baranova, S.V. Miroshnikov
Mineral composition of the herb teas intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system
P.B. Lubsandorzhieva - Ph.D.(Pharm.), Senior Scientific Researcher, Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS (Ulan-Ude). E-mail: T.D. Dargaeva - Dr.Sc.(Pharm.), Chief Researcher, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Aromatic Plants RAS (Moscow)